Upcoming Events

GEO Mountains Workshop: Interdisciplinary Monitoring, Data, and Capacity Sharing Across East Africa


GEO Mountains Event

Event location

East African Institute for Fundamental Research (EAIFR)
Kigali, KN 7 Ave

This event is one of a series of engagements that GEO Mountains is undertaking during 2023 under the Adaptation at Altitude Programme. Overall, the workshop seeks to provide a platform to bring together data providers and data users from a range of disciplines working across the mountains of East Africa.

The workshop aims to:

  • Provide an opportunity for participants to share information and updates regarding mountain monitoring, observations, and data across the region; 

  • Enable participants to explore approaches for comparing in situ climate data with gridded products, and thereby develop insights into the utility of widely available climate dataproducts in the region’s mountains (capacity sharing);

  • Collaboration building / Networking

Participants will, inter alia, develop skills to compare various climatic datasets and insights into the utility of readily available gridded products in their regions of interest. Early Career Researchers (ECRs) with an interest in the topics, anyone operating weather stations in African mountains (or with access to their data), and representatives of national hydrometeorological agencies are especially encouraged to apply. Colleagues conducting other environmental and social monitoring activities, and those interested in developing skills in climate data intercomparison, are likewise encouraged to apply.  

The event will be held in English and will be free of charge. The number of places is limited. The application deadline for physical attendees is 7 September 2023. Please note that the World Climate Research Programme Open Science Conference 2023 is held in Kigali the same week.  

The flyer of the workshop can be downloaded here.



09:00 - 09:30   Welcome, introductions & update on recent GEO Mountains activities
09:30 - 10:30   Flash Talks Session #1
10:30 - 11:00   Break
11:00 - 12:00   Flash Talks Session #2
12:00 - 12:30   Q&A
12:30 - 13:30   Group photo & Lunch
13:30 - 14:15   Discussion
14:15 - 15:45   Demonstration of the climate data analysis workflow
15:45- 16:15   Break
16:15 - 17:15   Further analysis and progress reporting
17:15 - 17:45   Plans for sharing results & possible publication
17:45 - 18:00   Conclusions and next steps 


Please note that in-person registrations are closed, but you can still register for online participation until Monday 23 October

Apply here


Organized by:

GEO Mountains Logo Tagline Picture_1.jpg Picture_2.png cargc.png  logoCoEB.png


UNEP logo UNESCO logo cropped ARCOS logo Landscape Technical University of Kenya logo wmologo2016_fulltext_vertical_rgb_en.jpg


Supported by:

 SDC logoAdaptation at Altitude logo

Cover image by Sergey Pesterev

supported by

MRI logo blueCNR logoAatASDCGEO


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