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EuroGEO Workshop 2023

02/10/2023 04/10/2023

GEO Mountains Event

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EuroGEO brings together and coordinates activities in Europe that contribute to the initiatives of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO). GEO is at a crossroad with defining its post-25 strategy (currently under public consultation) which is planned to be adopted in November 2023 at the GEO ministerial summit in Cape Town (ZA). The new strategy moves from Earth observation to Earth Intelligence, and shifts the focus from services to equity to bridge the global information gaps.

This year’s EuroGEO workshop on 2-4 October 2023 provides the opportunity to position European activities in the light of the new GEO strategy, and supports the coordination and interlinking of actions at national and European level, and across sectors and domains to create relevant and impactful contributions to GEO.

GEO Mountains session:

Attend the session Elevating mountains in the implementation of the GEO Post-2025 strategy: lessons from EU-funded projects in mountain areas on Tuesday 3 October at 14:15.

GEO Mountains seeks to engage with and contribute to how the goals and objectives stipulated in the forthcoming implementation of the GEO Post-2025 strategy can also consider lessons and recommendations on monitoring, data, and information in mountains.

The specific session seeks to:

  1. Stocktake on progress made within the GEO Mountains 2020-2022 implementation plan and contributions on closing observations gaps in mountains, and reflections to support the GEO Post-2025 strategy process.
  2. Showcase various EU-funded projects with a mountain focus and invite their reflections and experiences on long-term sustainability of data and information.
  3. Collect ideas and suggestions as contributions for a future position paper or statement by EuroGEO that also includes relevant aspects pertaining to mountains, which is aimed at the implementation of the GEO Post-2015 strategy.

Presentations – session layout:

Welcome, introductions and objectives: Carolina Adler (MRI / GEO Mountains), Elisa Palazzi (ISAC-CNR, University of Torino)

Monitoring, data and information in mountain environments: James Thornton (MRI / GEO Mountains) - virtual

The Alpine Drought Observatory, how to organize and share data in a cross-national mountain region following the fair data principles: Peter J. Zellner, Rufai O. Balogun, Thomas Iacopino, Luca Cattani, Mohammad H. Alasawedah, Michele Claus, Bartolomeo Ventura, Andrea Vianello, Bertoldi Giaccomo and Alexander Jacob (EURAC Research)

Climate Impetus: Turning climate commitments into action in the mountainsMatteo Rizzari (EURAC Research), Daniele Vettorato (EURAC Research), and Valentina D’Alonzo (EURAC Research)

Experiences and lessons from the EU-funded project "PastorAlp": Marta Galvagno (ARPA VdA)

Q&A, discussion, gathering of ideas, and next steps.


Cover image by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos.

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